A lot of people – myself included – are currently hard at work, making the Scala OSS ecosystem migration to the upcoming Dotty 3.0.0 happen.
Please show some extra patience to maintainers: not only do we have to port Scala code, but we also have to migrate away from Travis CI at the same time, since their OSS offering basically got axed.
Extra shout out to @djspiewak who is working tirelessly to migrate some projects with historically-grown build files to GitHub actions (including @typelevel Cats & @scalacheck).
On top of that, countless people are working to make Dotty robust and iron out all issues (e.g. @scala_js interop).
While PRs are much appreciated, releases have to be done by maintainers, which is a bottleneck. As library users, you can help us tremendously by trying out milestones/RCs and report problems as soon as possible!
Last but not least, shout out to the folks in Lausanne who provide excellent community support and are super-responsive when issues arise.
Oh, I almost forgot: of course, @fst9000 makes all our lives a gazillion times easier by opening all the update PRs (well, he may be using a bot for this, but 🤫)
You can follow @larsr_h.
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