In the main paper, it explains that they found 18 autistic people for this. Nearly all male. Avg age 17, 2 yrs younger than the control sample.
In the experiment, if they accepted a profit, money went to a dog/cat extermination company. Not joking/
The researchers noticed more autistic people refused to give money to an animal extermination company, whether others were watching their decision, or not.
"Oh, that's because they too stupid to work out others are judging them" (paraphrased).
What the...!
No meaningful mention of ethics.
Maximum number of autistic females examined, four. (Some dropped out, so we have no idea how many actually completed this awful experiment).
No mention of mental wellbeing etc.
From the 'grab 'em, experiment on 'em, discard 'em' school of research
Now, researchers, let me explain something to you.
I'm a Professional. I am expected to make moral choices whether someone watches me or not. That's called Integrity. I'll spell it for you. I N T E G R I T Y.
Written that down?
Good. Now go look it up.
Thank you for reading
PS - given potentially 60% of autistic people suffer extreme trauma in life sufficient to be diagnosable as PTSD, why in heaven's own name would your experiment involve decisions around killing dogs and cats?
What sort of frankly evil mindset decided on that one?
Serious question
Content warning. A tiny sample of the stigmatising, outdated and dreadful contents.
If researchers cannot find a better way to describe fellow human beings, and design studies that actually benefit us, I suggest they stop until they can.
Here is your checklist:
a) Has the autistic community asked for this research?
b) Am I working with autistic partners in collaboration?
c) Are autistic ppl reflecting on the findings before publication?
d) Is the work made available to a wide autistic audience, in readable ways?/
e) Have I written up the ethics thinking in the paper itself, checking that there are no harms from its contents and its language in particular?
f) Have I reflected on my own limitations and misunderstandings around autism, and my own journey towards doing better for this group?
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