1. Rathenau system was an industrial council or “directive committees” with 13 committees for each category of armaments and allocation of supplies. It also consisted of development commissions of the best designers in each key industry to supervise new products, https://twitter.com/ernestleungmt/status/1313119708711776257
2. suggest improvements in manufacturing techniques. He
sought to organize industries not at the firm level but at the industry level by exchange of technical experience, division of labour from plant to plant, standardization and 2 double production without any
3. increases in operating costs which they did as output figures show of “Nazi economic miracle” production did double without any increase in equipment and labour.
In his books Walther Rathenau doesn’t go into detail, he mainly speaks on what such a system meant for the future
4. Albert Speer’s Inside the Third Reich goes into more detail on the system and how they got a memorandum about the system from one of his assistants who worked with him during WW1. The Japanese system of industrial councils like JISF for steel from the 1940s to 70s is similar
5. I would say Hjalmar Schacht MEFO bill system acted more as a “capital trust” through the allocation of credit, rationalization to large scale industries and export-oriented firms. Great thread by the way👍🏿
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