Episode 2 of #Blakes7 (your hashtag to mute) - called Space Fall
Everyone had covidhair in the future and the uniforms are all skivvies and tabards. And everything is still really grey and everyone looks very sick. #Blakes7 Blake is locked into his seat using vacuum cleaner hose and a big nut and bolt.
Oh, that smuggler is Jenna Stannis. I think we just got a first glimpse of Paul Darrow? #blakes7 Uh oh. They've just discretely called Jenna Stannis out for "special treatment". She whispers something to the foreman, and he slaps her face.
Oh hello Avon. He's the No. 2 computer man in the Federation, and he's in for syphoning Federation funds, except he was caught by the No. 1 computer expert in the Federation. #Blakes7
The prisoner transporter seems to be being attacked by a game of pong #blakes7
Avon is so clearly a psychopath. How the heck did I have the hots for this guy? #blakes7
Awww, that's an oscilloscope. I get all nostalgic about oscilloscopes because Dad's lab had them. #blakes7
Husband reckons crawling through the ship's innards is a bit like going through building plant rooms. #Blakes7
I was going to say, I didn't recognise that guy, and now he's being foamed to death. #blakes7
The fight sequences are .... well, they're not Jackie Chan, are they. #blakes7
The guard who looks like Keith Potger is a right bastard. #blakes7
The space ship models are fuking hilarious. Oh they have not aged well... #blakes7
The prisoner transport crew go through a parachute silk tube to get to a mystery ship. Wallace here has got an aluminium bowl on his head for no apparent reason. No mask or anything useful, just a bowl on his head. Looks like an old pudding steamer. #blakes7
Everyone who goes through the tube ends up sending back the message "Someone's talking... no...no...NOOOOO!" That's not good. #blakes7
I do like the pudding basin hats they;re wearing. #blakes7
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