Lol nope
He's absolutely diving into this bs
He's just boosting an article that makes a bunch of false claims about turnout and then claims its a "statistical impossibility" now
This is funny tho... in correctly debunking nawaz's claim somone points out that Walker has boosted recently Tucker Carson and walker gives a reply that is exactly the kind of shit Nawaz says when people call him on promoting all kinds of trash people.
The website nawaz is sharing from is heavily antisemitic and racist
Maybe just maybe it might be worth checking if the source of a wild conspiracy theory you just plucked out of nowhere for an antisemitic racist president who nazis love....

...might be a bit antisemitic?
Maybe dont? Like its gone viral so take down your far right link you twat
He's still going... Sharing project veritas videos now lol
Read another book
He is this close to going full qanon....
Just casually promoting a video from a white nationalist tommy robinson fan...
He's sharing yet another false claim. This time one from general flynn's lawyer (lol)

Also yet again he's sharing the video from a far right tommy robinson fan
He's now credulously sharing a speech from Mitch... but notably the video is shared from a white supremacist account yet again
A response from somone pointing out that he's sharing a forgery and Majjid just responds that it's not his problem... oh and his "bullet points" are bs anyway
I'm sure this two year old story about a driver Feinstein had seven years ago is being suppressed by the media because it holds the key to overturning the election or something
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