This election may well be over. I don’t know that challenges will change anything. That’s okay. I’ve not lived through a bunch, but several changes of power. Some I was in favor of, some I wasn’t. I do care about the integrity of elections. Perceived inconsistencies or real ones.
A lot changed with voting this cycle, whether it be day-of registrations, mail-ins, early voting, or changes to norms & regulations via legislature or judge rulings. There have been questions about curing ballots, machines, software, etc. In a close election, it’s worth a look.
Trump could concede right now & Biden is President elect. Biden could concede & Trump gets 4 more. (Lol not likely) I would still say there are enough issues that create confusion & doubt to continue recounts, audits, & investigations into the issues raised.
No matter any candidate you support, this shouldn’t be contentious after various issues with glitches, uploads, & invalid votes have been affirmed by the companies providing the services & reporting like from Politico. Just get it right for the future at least. Not unreasonable.
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