They are truly hoping Trump does not go scorched earth on (1) the Senate and (2) FOX News. Which is honestly exactly what Trump should do.
All of this depends on how much Trump is owned by foreign interests, of course. But were I Trump I'd hold a press conference where I blamed the Senate for ruining my campaign and endangering the US by dragging its feet on the stimulus and then end it by expanding Medicare.
How would they go about implementing it? Not my problem! I'm out in two months and now my crazy base loves me more than ever and I'M the reason everyone has healthcare. That's step one.
Step two? I go for the jugular on FOX. Literally call out the Murdochs by name and make them the new Soros in the eyes of my base of loons. "It's time for real Americans to get their news from real Americans."

I launch my own news outlet.
Now, I'm broke and news outlets cost money! This is when I start sending out dog whistles that I'm about to snitch. Like a mistress who wants an allowance upgrade. I start namechecking my favorite billionaires. Wearing items with their brand names and IP in photos.
I'm also going to need competent lawyers on deck unless I flee the country, so I'll get my billionaire friends to pay for that too.
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