1. Wise words from a Yogi 👇


There are two methods of perceiving the truth:

1. By Intelligence


2. By Intuition

2. The intellectual method depends upon sense perception and intelligence. But since perception deceives us or at best limits the application of our intelligence. If you base your ideas of truth on the testimony of sense perception, then the conclusion may be wrong.
3. Our senses are all limited instruments of perception; therefore we cannot perceive truth intellectually except in a limited way. Man’s intelligence is not only limited but may even be deceived by misleading sense perceptions.
4. For instance, we see smoke on the distant hill and conclude that there is a fire. But in going to that hill we may find that the smoke was just a cloud of dust. Therefore we say that the appearance of truth (the phenomenon) can be known by the intelligence, but ...
5. ... noumenon, or truth itself, can only be known by intuition. We find that all inferential knowledge depends upon the data given by the senses. If the data is wrong, the inference is wrong. Therefore, reason cannot be the sole proof of any truth.
6. Besides, our senses are so limited in their power that they are deceiving us all the time. You see only with the limited power of the eye permits. You hear only certain vibrations within the hearing range of the human ear.

Intuition, on the other hand, is developed by meditation- conscious direct communion w/ the omniscient soul consciosuness . Therefore intuition can never be wrong, but this power within us has for the most part remained undeveloped.
8. The consciousness of existence arises from intuition. You do not need reason to know that you exist. Therefore intuition is the power that tests truth. You must feel, you must *realize* truth before you can know that it is true.
9. What seems true to reason and sense perception is not always true in fact.
10. Try this 👇
11. The only sure way to know the truth is to realize it intuitively. To know the atom you must become one in consciousness with the atom. You must become what you want to know. Can you know the taste of sugar without tasting it? No!
12. So it is with the metaphysician: he experiences everything within himself. The scientist experiment with things outside himself. Intuition does not mean self-sufficiency or blind faith in one’s own opinions. But calm reason plus calm feeling can lead to intuition.
14. The more you meditate and reason in a calm state the more intuition you will have. In order to test truth you must experience it intuitively. The whole philosophy of the East is based upon intuitive experience.
15. No matter how intellectual you are, you may be still a child in spiritual realization. You must realize the truth yourself. You must experience truth before you can know that it is true. That is the power by which we must test our observations. 🙏 💯

[Excerpts]~ Yogananda
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