Times like this calls for an Irish Exit:

2 oz Bushmills (Jameson is the Dockers of whiskey; don't do it)
0.5 oz Cointreau
2 dashes Angostura orange bitters

Shake with ice. Strain over a large cube in a tumbler and enjoy this never ending election.
For those who don't imbibe, please enjoy a Mockarita:

In a blender, add:
1 bag frozen fruit (preferably tropical; think mango, pineapple)
Orange Juice (fill about half of the fruit or eyeball/to taste)
1/2 can/bottle good Ginger Ale (or to taste)

You may need to add a little Ginger Ale, water or juice to keep the blend going. Adjust all that to taste. The Ginger Ale adds the heat/warmth that mimics tequila and people have been fooled into thinking they're actually drinking.

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