1-I’ve seen a lot of tweets asking How could >1/2 the country vote for this guy (Biden)?” I did vote for him, so I’ll answer: We’re sick of having a President who spews lies and misinformation every time he opens his mouth. We’re sick of it being about him and not the country.
2-We’re sick of having a President who antagonizes and isolates us from our allies. We’re sick of having a President who denies science and endangers others. We’re sick of having a President who has an over-simplistic view of complex issues
3-We’re sick of having a President who’s main goal is to enrich himself. We’re sick of empty promises-Where is the health plan? Where are the tax returns? We’re sick of having a President who sews division and hatred
4-We’re sick of having a President who refuses to seek the counsel of those smarter or more informed on complex issues than he is. We’re sick of having a President who spends the time he should use to serve our country, tweeting.
5-We’re sick of having a President who dishonors the office and tramples the Constitution. We’re sick of having a President who deals in fascism and sells it as freedom.
6-We’re sick of having a President who treats the role the same way he did his fake reality TV show. We’re sick of having a President who has lived his entire life as a fraud and con-man. I could go on. Bottom line—it’s over and > 74 million of us couldn’t be happier
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