Just sat here and heard a progressive political organizer blame the doubling of the Black vote for Trump on rural Black people being influenced by their neighbors and I’m just... [THREAD]
Lemme be absolutely clear: rural Black people hate Donald Trump with an intensity that dwarfs anything you’d find in urban areas. Why? Because Black folks in the country skew older and have a deeper blood memory of the kind of racialized violence Donald Trump winks at...
Here in the country, Biden/Harris yard signs are the most reliable way to identify Black and Latinx households

Meanwhile, I’ve encountered a number of Black Trump supporters in the last few years; know what three things they all had in common?

1.) Male
2.) Urban
3.) Hotep
The “strange” swelling of support for Trump among Black and Brown folks... I’m no sociologist, but I got eyes and ears. And that sh*t is all about toxic masculinity...
Donald Trump, sporting that cocktail of one part bare-assed misogyny and two parts everyman tough-guy rhetoric, fit precisely the bill of 1950s patriarchal masculinity that appeals to weak, insecure, fearful, small, unsophisticated men...
And as such men are prone to do, they believe the explicit reassertion of male supremacy will have trickle-down benefits; they legit believe sufficient manliness will overcome anything from racism to climate change to COVID...
So let’s not keep pretending we don’t know our communities have a big damn problem with this; like we didn’t lose our minds five minutes ago about WAP while I spent my teens listening, at 3PM, to broadcast radio edits of every rapper in the world bragging about getting head...
The “great mystery” of Trump’s surging support is, and has always been, White women.

Is it toxic femininity? A strident belief that father knows best and a woman’s place (as opposed to choice) is kids and casseroles and Mahjong with your dead-eyed friends to the exclusion of all else?

Are y’all watching “Mad Men” and the first 30 minutes of “The Help” like...
Help me understand that.

And help me understand, on the other hand, how progressive organizers don’t see how comparatively easy it would be to use their money to develop rural economies with a leftist citizenry than throwing trailer-loads of it at no-shot political campaigns...
That’s a rhetorical question; we know the answer:

Progressives ignore the potential of rural America b/c of contempt for rural people. The Black Trump vote surges; you reflexively assign blame to the most devotedly Blue voters in the U.S. just because they wear overalls...
All that education and “deep conversations” and book clubs and NPR; y’all take one hard L and are probing for solutions like Ramsay f*cking Bolton...
But gon’ head and keep after the Electoral College so you can ignore all this land you exterminated and enslaved two whole-a$$ races of people to get ahold of in the first place.

And y’all have the nerve to call us something else... /THREAD
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