I had the relatively unique and formative experience of growing up a 1% white minority in the middle of the United States. My father taught primary school for 35 years on the Navajo Nation in Arizona I lived thier until I left for university. It is still "home to me."
In recent days many of my Diné (Navajo) friends have understandably taken umbrage to being listed in voter breakdowns as "something else." I am deeply inspired by the actual story of my homeland where despite significant hurdles including wide distances, poor infrastructure, ...
language barriers, and being particularly hard-hit by the Covid-19 pandemic the Navajo voted in historic numbers. The data is still tentative, but if I understand correctly, there are 85,000 registered voters on the Navajo Nation, of those 76,000 voted. That means 89% turnout,..
far exceeding even this year's estimated century-high 67% national rate. Of those 76,000 voters, 74,000 voted for Biden and 2,000 voted for Trump. That is 96% for Biden, who's current lead is around 30,000 votes and likely to shrink, yet hold.
Their votes not only matter, they may turn out to be decisive. Regardless of your politics, nothing but respect for those who organized and made the effort to participate in America's Democratic process. The Diné are indeed "Something Else!!!"
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