Thread: I've seen a ton of takes on "land doesn't vote, people do." I understand the DEEPLY racist history & why it's dangerous to maintain entities like the senate & electoral college as they are. But there's sometimes an extreme disconnect between urban and rural realities.
I know PLENTY of folks who have always lived in cities who have zero clue about where food comes from, how it's produced, who processes it, etc. I think that mentality is only deepening, even w/ farm-to-table style (which maintains a wealthy, out-of-touch image).
I also think many folks forget that rural does not equal white, conservative, Christian. Rural areas are often overwhelmingly so, but there are significant communities of color in rural areas, whether Native reservations, Black and Latinx farmers, etc.
There's a true danger in how we consume land and people simultaneously, and often in one-and-the-same. It's part of our throwaway culture. My big fear is that when we say "land doesn't vote," we're going to further forget rural persons and realities, which has dire consequences.
So yes, we need HUGE changes to entities which maintain unjust power, but let's not make the mistake of saying, "Cities are the majority, so they should decide everything. Screw rural areas." That only perpetuates injustice, often in the same style as urban areas.
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