"Hey we need to take a break from all this vote counting"

Oh my, we are back from our break and now there's more ballots to count and they are all conveniently entirely for one candidate.

You believe this is legit because you want to. https://twitter.com/Rainbird42true/status/1324719223462047750
For the slow people in the audience, "we need to take a break from counting" is the signal for "Oh shit, we're almost out of ballots to count and that orange fuck is still ahead, we need more pre stuffed boxes".
There's nothing terribly complex about this. Stopping a vote count is forbidden precisely to stop this kind of behaviour. There's nothing regular about it, I've worked as a temporary election official before, it stinks to high heaven.
Your guy will win because he rigged it and that means HE DOESN'T NEED YOU.
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