So #spnfam - just for funsies, but when do you think Cas knew? Obviously Dean did a number on him from the jump, but Cas was completely new to understanding emotions. When do you think he GOT IT, like, i am fully in human romantic love with with this man? I have a certain answer.
You guys all have such interesting and different and valid answers.
And they are all moments I cannot WAIT to visit again with the slash goggles firmly on and altered to my prescription.
For me, the s9 human arc is the Rosetta Stone for emotional translation. He knew before then that he was full to bursting - especially after "what broke the connection" - but being graceless and gaining personhood made him learn language of human feelings - and he stayed fluent.
There's a few season 6 moments I would point to, and season 4 moments where you want to shake him and go, you are so in love, but for me, given what we've learned about how turning human works for angel emotions, he Got It, like lightbulb, Taylor Swift 1989 bonus track 2, in s9.
He obviously built all those feelings up since season 4, just didn't understand them or himself in the same terms.
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