Gosar did so after Dominion was rejected by Texas last November after examiners encountered ”multiple hardware issues” and could not certify that it was safe from ”fraudulent or unauthorized manipulation..."

Dominion disputed the findings, the report notes...
Oooh here we go: Dominion website shows customers in 28 states and Puerto Rico.

Among the customers: MI, PA, GA, AZ, NV, MN, AND WS - all the states still in play.

There doesn't seem to be widespread issues reported, but still something to keep in mind https://www.dominionvoting.com/about/ 
Stauffer found vulnerabilities in Dominion’s Democracy Suite voting equipment that would enable remote code execution, denial of service attacks, and off-line ballot tampering. “How can a vendor sell a voting system with this many vulnerabilities?” he asks
"Voters can be confident in the ability of all certified Dominion systems to provide for safe, accurate and reliable elections, knowing that they have successfully undergone a formal testing and approval process for government certification and use," Kay Stimson of Dominion said
“They were supposed to be there and (Dominion) promised to us they would be on call,” Chief Elections Clerk Robert Brady said. The day before Election Day, the office was told the company would send 5 technicians.

On Tuesday, his normal contact w/Dominion didn’t return his calls
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