I don’t know. Sounds like victory has a lot of mothers. I’m glad progressives decided to vote Biden. I’m glad Lincoln project focused on Republicans who might switch to Biden. Kudos to Cindy McCain in Arizona. Doesn’t mean young Latinx people in AZ didn’t help pull out a big win. https://twitter.com/eclecticbrotha/status/1324900496843436032
Obviously Stacey Abrams moved mountains. She, in turned thanked the voting advocates who she thought made a difference. Black voters showed up AGAIN—inspite of all efforts to disenfranchise them. But whoo Native Americans in AZ—deserve big kudos! Bloomberg gave money to Stacey A.
Bloomberg’s own candidacy failed—but he invested his $$ in other candidates. I was not a Bernie fan, as you know, but he threw his support to Biden—and young people (how many?) tuened out. So nah: lots of credit all around. Exit polls are notoriously bad—but I’m looking fwd to #s
Every politician should be taking notes on how aoc and katie porter connect with viewers. Learn something.
Didn’t even get to mention the tireless work of lawyers @marceelias (whew!) and media critics who called out Presidential BS.

Anyway, I have a pandemic puppy to walk and tomorrow it’s going to be sunny and 70–so goodnight, everybody ❤️
Also: I demand liveshots in diners with Black people in philly, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee...
Noting that I left out THE MOST important people. Voters! Who turned out in a pandemic! Whew. Maybe move them to the top of the list. Excited to see real analysis of voting data when it’s all counted.
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