Been thinking a lot about the white women vote rising in the US, and how racism is so often talked about on an individual and systemic level, but rarely as a community effort often headed by type A white women who like to scrapbook.
I've seen about a hundred TikToks of young white women who have been ostracised from their families and their communities because they voted Biden, or said Black Lives Matter. The way younger white ppl are punished if they don't fall in line, it's so brutal and alarming.
Like, if you think encountering a Karen in the wild is bad, imagine if Karen was your mum. Imagine if she was your community leader. I don't think white women are victims, but I think there is a lot to be said about young white women in small town, rural areas who go rogue.
And the reasons why they don't.
On a personal level, I know my mum grew up in an extremely toxic household in Alabama with a very racist father. And I think a strong part of why she was able to break from that was the strength of her mum who divorced him and moved across the country, & the support she gave her.
But we still have to check her sometimes for the toxicity she carries from growing up that way. She wasn't allowed to talk to Black kids, and she was literally tied to a tree and flogged by her father if she stepped out of line. That shit stays.
I just think that there is an extremity to the physical and emotional abuse that goes on in these white communities, and it's geared toward sustaining white supremacy for as long as possible, and it works.
But I might be off, idk, it's just something I've been thinking abt this election. It's all very complicated, & there are obviously a million other reasons why white women might be turning up for Trump, but this is just something that struck me after seeing these vids on TikTok.
I'd also add that a huge part of this abuse is actively limiting women's access to education and rights over their own bodies.
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