Like I said 4 years ago, Donald did nothing to help his supporters but keep white people at the top of the racial caste system. Millions are out of work (more than during the Great Depression), many businesses are closed forever (nearly half of Black owned businesses have closed)
the economy is in the toilet, and lines at food banks are longer than workers have ever seen due to unparalleled need. Donald is threatening to challenge the election results in multiple states and demand recounts in multiple states although it is Donald who raged against mail-in
voting for months which led to his supporters not mailing in votes. Democrats stressed mail-in voting for months since you know, there is a global deadly pandemic that is airborne, so lots of people who believe in science mailed their ballots. That was the plan though, Donald
wanted to create what people are calling a "red mirage" to make it appear that he won on election night with in-person voting but once the mail-on ballots are counted, it is clear that Biden won. Recall, Donald in 2016 won Michigan, Pennsylvania & Wisconsin by 0.2, 0.7 & 0.8
percentage points, respectively — by 10,704, 46,765 & 22,177 votes. Hillary didn't contest the votes.
Meanwhile, Donald is trying to cut SNAP food benefits during the pandemic (though he's been trying to cut SNAP for years) and he is trying to take away your healthcare with no
replacement plan for millions who will be denied insurance due to pre-existing conditions. The Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare Supreme Court hearing is on November 10 in case you want to mark your calendar. Donald feels like they owe him a win.
Obamacare isn’t just for the uninsured. Obamacare is why people with employer-provided insurance get things like free birth control, free cancer screenings, and other preventative care with no copays (ACA mandated them). If Obamacare goes, we lose that.
Donald is overtly racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, and xenophobic. He banned Muslims from the USA, he banned transgender soldiers from the military, he called our soldiers who died in war suckers and losers, he still has yet to say anything about Putin putting bounties
on the heads of our soldiers (although Pompeo says he spoke to Russian leadership). Donald praised white supremacists, multiple times. He calls African countries "shitholes" (although all of them handle covid 19 better than the USA). Donald is a literal criminal and was named in
the Michael Cohen indictment but only Cohen went to prison because Donald is shielded from prosecution while in the White House. He ran a fraudulent university and had to pay a $25 million settlement to the students. He ran a fake charity and had to pay a $2 million settlement.
He only paid $750 in federal taxes in 2016 & $750 in taxes in 2017 because he is such a tremendous failure at business that he had enough losses to absorb any taxable profits, and he is still fighting an audit wherein he owes $72.9 million (plus interest) for taking a fraudulent
tax deduction of $700 million for his failed casino empire that it turns out was tax fraud since he got a 5% stake in a new company as compensation. He can only write off $3,000 per year like us peasants not the full $700 million.
Donald was too busy golfing and not testifying
at his impeachment trial (remember that time Donald extorted Ukraine) that he had no time to prepare for a global pandemic despite two practice runs with Crimson Contagion in 2019 and a 2017 run through with President Obama's team who literally left Donald a color coded playbook.
Donald downplayed covid 19 since January although he told Bob Woodward how serious he knew it would be on February 7. When Donald says he wants the economy open despite having no national test plan, no contact tracing plan, no mass PPE production, no social distancing mandate,
no mask mandate, and no vaccine (the vaccine he promised by 11/3), he means herd immunity is the plan since mostly Black and Hispanic people will die. His covid 19 plan is literally genocide. Donald let 235,000+ people die of covid 19 (predominantly Black and brown people), put
brown kids in cages, and literally kidnapped brown kids in between his golf games, funneling tax dollars to his private businesses, and corruption - which of course led to his impeachment. Donald's election-eve announcement of a 1776 Commission underlines the failures of his
presidency. It's revenge because the 1619 Project was widely circulated & is being taught in schools. They whitewash the history of slavery in schools which makes it impossible to adequately teach the Civil Rights movement since students can't understand why Black people had to
xenophobia, and his daily chaos campaign. They admit he has been ratings gold since 2015 when they covered an empty podium for hours waiting for him to start the show. He is literally a dictator in waiting with a team of complicit Republicans. Yet over 70,000,000 voted for him
thus far - 7 million more people than 2016. Republicans have always been the party of racism, voter suppression, and xenophobia. They don't like Donald's overt racism and prefer subtle systemic racism that keeps white men at the top of the racial caste system. Reagan Republicans
Republicans didn't remove Donald after he was impeached because they're complicit. Lamar Alexander concedes Donald did it. Republicans have rigged elections for decades. GOP admits if Black people voted Republican, voter ID laws wouldn't exist.
Republicans tried to add a citizenship question to suppress Hispanic Census responses that “would clearly be a disadvantage to the Democrats” and “advantageous to Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites,” according to a document filed in federal court.
Republicans don't want DC or Puerto Rico to get statehood because they have no plan to win those voters, mostly nonwhite, with any policy ideas and believe any newly added Senators would be Democrats. When my dad was a kid in 1952, there were 96 senators.
MAGA meant bringing back 1968 civil unrest, 1929 economic crash, 1918 Spanish flu & 1861 failed confederacy all at the same damn time. Donald will try to burn the country to the ground until January 20. What will GOP do stop him? They still need him to GOTV for Georgia runoffs.
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