
Why is @NDP @LeahGazan so strongly pushing #MOTION46?

(If I get some things wrong please correct as I am speaking for me based on my research for my House of Commons petition e-2821 that demanded a GBI (guaranteed basic income).

We have a shattered social system in Canada.

Instead of a central 'location' and one set of standards or practices, there are provincial/territorial and in some cases federal programs.

None communicate and none are the same.

For example disability...

You may be disabled in Ontario but not Manitoba, you may be disabled in both but not federally.

You may be disabled in Ontario in ODSP's eyes and not qualify for the DTC (Federal Disability tax credit)

And so on.

This exists in most social programs in the country.

Also, you can be put through severe mental abuse by a system provincially, and it can violate human rights (In Ontario the disabled community is a protected class) and federally they ignore it.

This disconnect and fractured system exists for many reasons.

Poverty is very profitable for many people and organizations, and so is death.

I won't go in to deep details on these right now but let's talk if you have questions.

Charities need the issue they focus on to continue.

They are amazing tax write-offs, and there is a massive amount of funds that work their way through them.

They also are very good for landlords and governments (a lot of the time they are the same) for generating cash that never gets to the people the charity is helping.

So what does this have to do with a GLI ( #motion46 calls for a guaranteed livable income)?

Charities that exist to generate wealth outside of their preserved intended recipient no longer need to exist.

The wealth generation lost does not affect people, if affects the businesses, governments, and wealthy who use them for tax purposes.

The cost of government subsidies, funding, staff and other such funds redirect to the actual people.

Financial aspects of provincial/territorial social programs (the source of the programs abuse of the people in the system) are no longer needed.

Saving costs provincially and territorially because healthcare bares a large portion of forced poverty in Canada.

Poverty promotes crimes of desperation and other crime categories.

Releasing a large portion of costs of policing (Allowing defunding).

Mental health across the entire country heals.

Why are people against such a thing?

They do not realise it is cheaper for Canada to end poverty, have a central social financial program federally (medical portions of provincial and territorial programs can stay in place and get a boost in funding).

Then look at what happens when it is implemented...

More people shopping, more people buying homes, more people accessing education, and a massive boost to our economy.

And all the taxes these people pay feed the system making this an amazing investment.

Workers have a choice where to work, not taking 3 crap jobs to live just above poverty.

Meaning fair wages, worker rights strengthen, innovation creating new business and who knows what else.

The cure for covid could be in the mind of someone at McD's not able to go to school because they are stuck in the poverty cycle.

Poverty costs more than people realize.

And a central single system means accountability

And one of the major reasons it is fought against...

If you are a stay at home parent, disabled, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, elderly, a woman, or easier to say any part of your identity that can be used to systemically discriminate against you and prevent access to a social service vanishes.

Every Canadian has access to a GLI, period.

So to recap, wealthy and most governments do not like it, businesses and organizations do not like it, and people with out the true knowledged of a GLI do not like it (through lack of info on cost to the people) because it removes (NOT ALL) but many of the systemic barriers.

Access to education, decent quality of life, dignity, medication, ability to succeed, and independence removes our exploitability.

Supporting a GLI is an investment in people, it is a divestment of oppression and systemic barriers.

That is why it is fought against.

There are so many other deeper things, but this should be enough to get a better understanding.

The people and entities exploiting and profiting from your life lose their profit and it goes back to you.

Not every Canadian will need this, and it promotes moving on from it.

Giving everyone regardless of the current systemic barriers that exist a chance to succeed.

And the more that do, the less the system costs.

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