Maybe Imma have to write a little bit about the history of feminism, especially radical feminism, and its relationship with Marxism and how that facilitated the theoretical underpinnings that led us to a place where the Woke became dominant, even though it turned on feminism.
Guess who brought in Derrida and fell in love with Foucault... :) Guess where intersectionality came from... (if you guessed lesbian black liberationists taking up and then getting mad at white radfems...) :) Guess who kept Marx burning in social theory in the 50s...
Then what happened? The queer theorists, who were the first full-on postmodern feminists, deconstructed "woman" and screwed radical feminism over. Their dragon has turned on them, and I strongly sympathize, but I'm not going to lie about feminism because of their plight.
Right on their backs, the intersectionalists called the radfems "white feminists," accused them of rampant racism, and gang-pressed a bunch of them into the service of their ideology under the moniker "intersectional feminism" (third-wave is slightly different).
The feminists bred dragons that have turned on them, leaving them--and women, incidentally--in a very bad place by taking their chief tools a few steps further in at least two different directions.
Let's talk about TERFs, though. While radfems drive me nuts with their gender social constructivism, they're right about sex, almost completely, and they're under attack. Most "TERFs" aren't even radical feminists. Some aren't even feminists. So go language wargames.
I support the TERFs in that I agree that woman is and should be a stable category of person, and that lesbians are women who are attracted to women, and that women's rights are under assault by trans women (who were at some point men). I think this kind of feminism should exist.
All the radfem women yelling at me today because I poked a bear can go eat whatever kinds of genitals they prefer. I don't really care about that one way or the other, but we should be real about what's going on here and how we got where we are.
This isn't a complicated thing, though. The Trans Rights Activists, who grew out of queer Theory, which grew out of a perversion of postmodernized radical feminism, are absolutely a danger and a menace toward women, and some kind of feminism needs to exist for this.
Maybe "feminist" style fighting is what's needed to protect women from TRAs, but I don't think so. Plain old liberal activism that fully acknowledges reality and is capable of cooperating with others will do it if done consistently and honestly.
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