Rudy (1993) Thread:

First time I saw this movie was with my buddy Eric Perry and his two older brothers. His oldest brother, Regis was a HUGE Notre Dame fan.
Me at 7 years old: Why are they wearing coats to play football? Are those jeans? Why are they wearing jeans? You can't play football in jeans.
"Guys I'm going. I got to go to work." - Todd. Who couldn't play for ONE more play, apparently. I don't know what 14 year old had a job on a Saturday at Sundown in the early 1960's? Todd was one important son of a bitch.
Frank (A-hole) calls Rudy a "Spaz" when Johnny has the worst coverage I've ever seen. You tweet every Sunday about Sendejo, take ONE LOOK at Johnny's coverage.
Rudy's ND helmet reminds me of my dad's helmet when I was a kid that was plastic just like Rudy's. I broke it by accident when I HIT MY HEAD ON A ROCK. It protected me, and my dad acted like I spilled my grandmother's ashes all over the house or something.
Ned Beatty (Dan) must have had a GREAT job. That house is at least 4500 sq feet and looks like it has three dining rooms. Congratulations to him on all his success.
I told my dad I was going to pitch for the Cleveland Indians. He encouraged me. Rudy says he's going to play for Notre Dame. Sherri just smiles like he's an idiot that she loves and Dan says "baaaa" whatever that means. They really cultivate dreams there in the Ruettiger home.
"What are we watchin? Channel 7!" Is something we say to each other to this day.
Hey, Dan. You can watch some Indiana-Purdue at halftime for Pete, Dick.

(I learned the Knute Rockne speech word for word just so I could do this part when I was was 7 years old) Perry library had a book on him with it.
For our senior hits, an underclassman had to read a speech over the PA before you hit the bag. They all ended "Get that one last hit for the Panthers." My buddy Kyle did mine. It was a good speech. He's a police officer in Canton and is one of my closest friends to this day.
I remember during another speech, from one bottom of the roster guy about a Senior my buddy Dan looked at all of us and said "From one worthless piece of shit to another!" Funny then. Still makes me laugh now.
Rudy has about a 1.3 GPA and thinks he's going to Notre Dame. Kinda don't blame everyone for dumping on him.
"Do you have some friends in South Bend?"

Hey father Ted, maybe let Rudy on the bus and take one look at the good life since you know he's going to spend the rest of his life in a steel mill.
Father Ted is right, though. Not everyone is meant to go to college. I got a couple buddies with more money than God who were in shop 2/3 of the day. There's good jobs out there in the trades.
No special days here. Rudy's not allowed to even enjoy his birthday on his march to the grave.
Would Rudy still wear that Notre Dame jacket if it fit me, instead of him?

Also, clearly someone Rudy's size already played at Notre Dame. Foreshadowing.
Ok, the house part I used to take Rudy's side. But... Sherry is a good woman, and has done everything so they could do things right.

Rudy doesn't want to be trapped by domestic life in the late 60's...
However I WISH I was "trapped" at 22 with a good job with benefits, retirement, and a path to management that my father laid out for me after I completely assed-off in high school that my father also paid for.

Period correct Lincoln in the background.
God I hate Frank. Pete's more of a brother to Rudy than Frank is. Frank should be the one minding his own business.
Ned Beatty with Rudy during the fight is like looking into the future with any one of my sons.

But what does he mean by "Frank! Good!" You know 1 minute in that Frank is an a-hole. You can't tell me Ned (Dan) doesn't know. Or maybe he refuses to accept.
What’s this guy up to now?
I always fast-forward through the part where Pete dies. One of the saddest scenes ever.
You have to be impressed what Ned Beatty (Dan) has built for himself. His father abandons the family (which he still speaks relatively glowing of) and the family splits up. He's basically orphaned. Still becomes a manager of some sort at a steel mill and seems
to be a good father and husband. He settled, and he won. I don't blame him now for discouraging Rudy.

If my son said "I don't want to be Axel, or Eli" and walked off while I'm trying to talk to him...I'd be pretty cold when he came home for Christmas too.
The leaves already fell. How is Rudy able to get to Holy Cross AND do enough work to get grades to take home for Christmas in about...four weeks? Maybe six?
I love Father Kavanaugh. Such a warm character.
Notre Dame Stadium is so awesome. When this is all over, I'm taking Axel to a game.

Walk on tryout day was two weeks ago (again, leaves all over the ground).
Jon Favreau is supposed to be tubby in this movie. He is NOT tubby.

Also when he's talking in the background to a guy about being set up, he sounds like me at Lux in Akron with the girl who started making out with another guy in front of me (another thread)
My dad would say "staked out."
The twins dad from Mighty Ducks had a far fall from DC at Notre Dame to giving up overtime to watch his sons play hockey in Minneapolis.
Maybe Rudy should tell Fortune that he doesn't have anything in that spreader.

*I thought the grounds crew wouldn't allow it until I saw someone else putting holes in the turf when he leaves*
Forget D-Bob, man. The girl on the bike is interested in YOU.
I didn't know what Sciatica was until I had it.
I didn't know there was another way in that locker room when I was a kid. I swear to God I thought 1. That's got to be a fire hazard of some kind. 2. That's got to be a bastard to climb up all those stairs.
Hey D-Bob, be a little weirder waving to Mary while Rudy stuffs more Notre Dame compression shorts in his mouth.
Dude is FEELING the mandolin
Tucker Carlson cameo
Rudy is really pathetic here. He's talking to no one at all about Notre Dame football, then shoots his mouth off to Mary in drunken ramble about good grades. He's also probably a few years older than all these college kids in this bar.
**** The cars in the background while Rudy is trying to buy tickets are from the 1980's***
I just realized how hard it was for Rudy trying to climb in that office when he was all sh*tfaced after that night at Corby's.
Those admissions people are a funny bunch of squirrels.

I said the same thing when Ohio State sent nothing back to me.
Imagine being one of the other students and standing right next to a stranger while he reads a rejection letter out loud.
Frank gives a jealous look at Rudy while he's talking to Dad. First time I have EVER noticed that. Frank is jealous that his brother is going after dreams he never had the sack to chase.
DO NOT blame Sherry dating Johnny. RUDY LEFT HER. He made his choice. She made hers. He can grab his bag and get back on the bus and pout all he wants, but she doesn't have to spend eternity waiting on him to finish his fantasy in his mid 20's.
Even when I was 7 years old, I knew that Rudy was fishing for sympathy when he was bitching to Fortune about his year being a "waste."
You're going to be surprised reading this, I was actually good at the ropes, and had good coordination for a fatty.
"Praying is something we do in our time. The answers come in God's time."
Now imagine picking that spot to open that letter. Looking at the golden dome, and being told you were rejected...again.
Frank hates Rudy for getting into Notre Dame and I love it.

Notice how careful Dad is putting that letter back in the envelope. You can see the wheels spinning how he's going to surprise his wife with it tonight. That letter is staying in the family forever.
the tryout montage is one of the best ever. Double Team drill, Shedding, all followed up by some what looked like a hybrid Bull in the Ring.
Imagine your dad being that big of a dick that you get scholarships to two Big Ten schools and he still makes you walk on to Notre Dame.
There's a Coach Yonto at every college and high school in America. Great assistant but you can just tell he'd be a bad head coach.
Right here was when I thought Fortune had played for Notre Dame already. Just so unimpressed by everything then says he'll be there if Rudy ever dresses.
OLD STYLE hitting in this practice. They got the wings up and are form fitting.
Peter Rausch (Mateus) is the only actual football player in this movie. I read some years ago he did not play much for ND because of injury. As far as I know this is the only movie he's ever been in.
Vince Vaughn makes his first appearance!!!...talking sh*t to Rudy.
Notre Dame has the best college music. Said it. Meant it.
I thought the trainer was Rob Reiner was i was a kid.
Again, Jim's dad...Major League Bastard.

You know, if he had scholarships, could Jim have just gone to those schools even if he dad didn't pay for anything? Would his dad have cut him off for ACCEPTING A SCHOLARSHIP TO PLAY BIG TEN FOOTBALL?!! Jim's dad is worse than Grandpa Joe
Johnny just says he believes Rudy because he's sleeping with Rudy's ex.

"Where did I get these? Professional wrestling?" (Shows cuts) back during a time when people thought Pro Wrestling was real. That's for a different thread...
"If you're on the team, then my opinion of Notre Dame Football just hit the shits."

Rudy has had his ass handed to him by some of the best football players in the country. I wish there was a lost scene of Rudy throwing Frank through window like Charles Barkley.
We’ve gone from this to Game Pass all during Rudy’s lifetime. Another remarkable achievement by man.
So Rudy left a good job, went to JUCO for two years, gets accepted to Notre Dame, and then comes home with cuts all over his face. He does EVERYTHING he says he's going to do, and Dad still doesn't believe him?
If this weren't a movie, and I was Ara, I'd stop the projector, turn around and say "Tell your old man to blow it out his ass."
Every successful guy from the 70's has a story of a VW van and a college gf. More on D-Bob later.
"Don't I know you?" I wish Movie Rudy (not real life one) started seeing Mary and got married to her.
So stupid to quit. Rudy's older than everyone on that team. It's not understandable. Glad Fortune sets him that would have been an awkward end of the movie...
Of course Rudy returns for the unpadded walk-through. Lazy ass.
***If you read anything on this thread: Dan Devine LIKED Rudy, and did not stand in the way of Rudy playing. Devine was very upset with his portrayal, and his family has been adamant of both things since Devine's passing in 2002.
That makes me feel bad. For everything I've read, Devine was actually a good person. Now generations believe it took a bunch of players giving up their spots for the most famous underdog every to dress, and the entire crowd at Notre Dame Stadium for him to play.
Frank (older than Rudy) clearly still lives at home, as Rudy's has to beg him to tell their father to come to the game Rudy will dress for. Why does Frank still live at home? Isn't he in charge of the expansion program? Is it gambling debts? Does Frank's mismanagement
of his own life begin the recession of the American Steel industry in the late 1970's?
Ok D Bob Theory: He became a successful lawyer, and invested in Miami real estate in the 70's and was there for the boom of the 80's. He and Elsa have been divorced for quite some time as D Bob (see previous tweets) became an insatiable womanizer. They are early 70's now
He lives on Marco Island, while Elsa lives in Palm Beach. Their youngest son "B-Dob" (family nickname) just won re-election to the house of representatives by a narrow margin.
Just paused to look it up: it's 1 hr 42 minutes for Joliet, IL. to South Bend, IN. Dad couldn't just drive to the game? He took a bus. Also, he spent what looks like 30 plus years just watching Notre Dame on TV instead of DRIVING LESS THAN TWO F**KING HOURS TO SEE THEM LIVE?!
And this is the early 1970's. Assuming Notre Dame was on tv "regularly" since the 1950's, ND was only something Dad read about and listened to before tv for at least 20 years, then watched another 30. His dad wasn't there to take him to a game, but he never ONCE thought
about going until right now?!! You know he was on the bus on the way home thinking "I got to go to more of these. I've really pissed my life away as a Notre Dame fan so far."
Here's Jim in the lockerroom. Rudy had Pete, has D-Bob, and Fortune, and I imagine Elsa too to some degree. Jim's character is really pointless to the entire movie. I don't need Jim to work out his feelings with his dad. I got enough to worry about with Rudy .
Again all the more reason Dad pissed away his life as a Notre Dame fan.

The stadium is the most beautiful sight he's ever seen. Not his wife, or his 20 children. It's Notre Dame.

How about getting in the car and driving the LESS THAN TWO HOURS TO GET THERE?
FFS, I know three people who FLEW in and out for Browns home games. @chadp71 hopes to retire in Cleveland to see the Browns, and you couldn't drive the 1:42 to get to Notre Dame Stadium? Grandpa Ruettiger couldn't milk cows or teach his sons how to read a map, apparently.
He thrilled to be here.
I can think of myself doing sports radio in 1975 (technically the format wasn't invented yet)

"We've gone from Rockne on a stool before the game of the century to 'no one pushes us around' before Georgia Tech. Is Notre Dame football dead? 216-578..."
How many signs does a team have to touch for good luck?

*You can see the years after 1973 covered up on the title seasons sign*
Roland Steele played 14 years in the NFL and was part of the 1996 Pro Football Hall of fame class.
I'd be pretty overcome with emotion if I saw any of my sons lead the Hiram Terriers on the field let alone Notre Dame.
This in game action is great. Nothing over the top. Some shots from real ND games.
I don't think I'd play all the seniors only up 17-3 with 3 minutes left.
Rudy chant here. Seems the home clock gave a VERY generous :37 seconds.
Jamie O'Hara enters the game on Senior Day*

"I think it's safe to say, his career has been a disappointment."

Well there's a nice keepsake from your final home game at Notre Dame eh?
Tom Dennin (movie pbp guy) was the real life Notre Dame pbp guy.
For a moment I wanted to think people would accuse Devine of running it up with the HB pass, but then it's only 17-3.
Rudy was apparently offsides in real life but not in the movie.

They never say that to each other before this.

Still such a great moment that D-Bob is so happy, Fortune is proud, Mom and Dad are proud, Frank is proud but he can go to hell.
They should have called Boiler Room "Rudy 2" and went over his securities fraud charge.
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