So, I dated a woman once whose former father-in-law had been a complete co-conspirator with Bernie Madoff.

She had long suspected it. Her husband, on the other hand, worked for his father and completely believed he was just a legitimate success.

When Madoff went down, her husband remained 100% certain that his father wasn’t a party to Madoff’s scam.

Even as evidence mounted, he just could not be brought to believe the truth about his dad.

Then, one day after they had divorced, he showed up at her door in tears and said “He knew. My dad knew.”

An entire lifetime of denial - even to the point of complete cognitive dissonance - had finally broken down.

And he knew it had all been a lie.

I’ve thought of that story often as I’ve watched Donald Trump, Jr. spiraling deeper and deeper into increasingly manic and incoherent denialism.

His feed today is just *unhinged*.

People assume all of the Trump’s are in on the con.

Junior though... I think he’s a true believer.

I think he truly believes his father is a genius and a success and a legitimate businessman who just plays hard rather than just cheats and commits crimes.

Junior seems to be on a collision course with a truth even he can no longer deny.

That may not end well.

When Madoff’s own boys had that day of reckoning, one didn’t survive it.

Junior appears to be in bad shape. Can’t imagine that’s going to get better.

His father doesn’t give a remote shit about him. The people he thought were friends in politics are going to ghost him.

He could be headed for bad, bad times.

p.s. I feel bad for people who grew up with dysfunction in their childhoods.

I don’t absolve them of responsibility for their adult choices and treatment of others.
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