Let’s start here: I pray that a Trump runs for office in 2024. Please let it be @DonaldJTrumpJR. I consider this disgusting pussy so antethical to all of the values I’ve been taught by any institution throughout my entire life by any institution that teaches values. Every coach
, military unit, church, oath, hospital, sport, effort, and teacher has taught one basic principle above all: other people are important, just as important as you are. JR fundamentally does not abide these values. Fuck him, and fuck the people who feel power should be used for
oneself. All of us are weak at various points in our lives. As children, when we’re sick, when we’re old. A man in his prime who uses it for personal aggrandizement... fuck you. Not on our watch. We’re better than cocaine induced narcissism and megalomania. I don’t believe for a
Second JR wasn’t thinking about inheriting the presidency at some point. Go to hell you coward.... I’ll get to Kushner tomorrow.
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