This is overly reductive, and basically paints a picture that rural people are stupid. It doesn't take into account a lot of factors, and it doesn't address the root of the problem at all.
There are tons of educated rural folks, and their politicians work hard to keep Black, Brown, and poor people out of higher education.
Evangelical churches fight hard to keep women and children out of college, because if they go, they tend to leave the faith and the homestead.
Tech centers also tend to be in blue states, not rural Kansas, so naturally, educated people from Kansas would migrate there reducing the education level of Kansas.
As someone who spent years doing "unskilled labor" and then went to college later in life before getting work in the Tech industry, one thing I have more of now is time. Time that the underprivileged don't have.
My company offers time for civic duty a d volunteerism. When I ran yard crews, served tables, and washed dishes, I barely had time to sleep, much less vote or help the election process.
Red states are full of unskilled grueling labor and they work hard to keep that population down and uneducated. Educated Trumpers keep blue voters in the fields and away from the ballot box.
So miss me with your allusions that conservative voters are uneducated hicks. The uneducated are products of red states, not the other way around. It's a feature, not a bug.
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