1/11 As we await election results and get ready to call @JoeBiden President-Elect, I want to extend special thanks to my favorite people of this entire election—Romancelandia! Thank you to @FatedMates and all of your fans.
2/11 After RBG passed, @BestFriendKelly asked me if @IndivisibleTeam would be interested in partnering with a group outside of what we usually do to try something new—to bring new people in and give people a way to engage in the election.
3/11 We connected with @sarahmaclean and @JenReadsRomance and quickly put together the #FatedStates2020 phonebank that following Saturday and made calls to Kentucky. We thought maybe a handful of people would attend.

Well, over 30 people showed up.
4/11 I was thrilled to have that many people on a phonebank (you never know what to expect with these)!

I asked on that first call, “how many people are first-time phonebankers?” Almost every hand went up.

“How many people are a little nervous?” Again, almost every hand.
5/11 We walked through the training, engaged in the chat, and over the SIX WEEKS we did this phonebank, I learned that Romancelandia is truly a welcoming set of wonderful people.

They’re also fired up and ready to fucking go.
6/11 Romancelandia made at least 300,000 calls to voters in Kentucky, Texas, Wisconsin, Iowa, South Carolina, and Georgia.

By week six, over 300 different people joined the #FatedStates2020 phonebanks.

7/11 Week after week, these phonebanks were the best part of all my Saturdays. During regular chats with the other organizers at @IndivisibleTeam, I can honestly say these phonebanks made the entire team’s day.
8/11 To see volunteers who have never phonebanked before begin to join me DAILY as we approached Election Day... We gave people a fun and enjoyable space to try something new.

This is why I do this work. To meet people, to hear their stories, and share that sense of community.
9/11 I want to especially thank @BestFriendKelly for donating buttons/stickers and the many authors who joined us each week and kindly donated hundreds of books. To name a few—Julia Quinn, Kennedy Ryan, @vonHottie (I am now reading Pumpkin Pounder) and of course @sarahmaclean.
10/11 Shout outs to @yogacarolina, @AmbrielMcintyre, @susank1808, @theLindashow, @BleedingBlueKC, and many more. Seeing you on additional calls and hearing your positive conversations gave me the hope to keep going.

Due to your hard work and persistence, we will elect @JoeBiden.
11/11 On behalf of everyone at @IndivisibleTeam, Indivisible loves Romancelandia.

We were thrilled to partner with @FatedMates and look forward to what we can continue to do together.

Getting rid of Trump won’t save us. We’ve got to smash the patriarchy. All gas, no brakes. 💙
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