Yes ... and what did it TAKE to get rid of that compromise?
Society doesn't just happen overnight. It cannot be rewritten because of abstract norms that have suddenly have taken on a great deal of emotional force.

You start tinkering around with the basics of our Union, you might be really displeased by what happens as a consequence.
It's Burke versus Paine all the way down.
See, this is what people do not understand. Before there was a political society anything like what we know today, they had to hammer out this compromise. Otherwise, crucial factions would not CONSENT to the Constitution. That was just the plain fact.
And far from being antiquated today, I would assert that the mixture of federalism and nationalism in our system remains a necessary ingredient to continue to secure consent.
As I said, these arguments about fairness were articulated at the Constitutional Convention. But here is the problem. Look at this map.

Blue states were fine with proportional Senate. Red states were prepared to walk over it.

*This is not a country* 
The average state has 11 electors. So let's say we reapportion them by population, the states in red would give power to the states in blue.

What happens if some of them say, "Nuts to this! We never signed up for it!" How do you have a country then? 
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