It occurs to me Biden's patience in waiting for the ballots to be counted is a kind of continuation of his summer-long rope-a-dope strategy of letting Trump swing himself out and ultimately self destruct. Smart.
It doesn't just expose the weakness in Trump's character (though of course it does) but also the weakness of his only political trick, which is kicking up media attention 24/7. Without legal standing or facts, it all becomes tiresome noise.
Biden has figured out that Trump is all smoke and no fire. Liberals tremble in fear and paranoia that William Barr will intervene, but Barr's attempts to make Trump's conspiracies materialize have all ended in nought. He was just part of the empty noise.
Bottom line: Be patient and enjoy watching a master politician undo his opponent through message discipline, patience and a smile. Trump is going down. The rest is noise.
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