So with my slightly unusual upbringing, I'm only ever a few short clicks from the FB pages of extreme evangelical Trump supporters in the US (and sometimes Ireland!) and it is pretty fascinating to see the reaction to the US election. Here's what I've learned.
1. They believe Trump is chosen by God and that he will still win. Lots of talk of prophecies, Trump being a modern-day Elijah vs Baal (Dems/Biden/Pelosi), and to keep praying because, although it might look like all is lost, a win and a nationwide revival is coming.
2. A lot are giving up on Fox. It's too liberal, has turned against Trump and is being lumped in with the MSM (mainstream media). The Arizona call seems to be quite a sore point. Newsmax and OANN (One America News Network) recommended instead.
3. They are totally buying the fraud narrative that Trump is selling. Again lots of talk about how it will all be exposed and there will be lots of arrested democrats by the end of this. Similar to Qanon really, although I haven't seen many explicitly Q signals.
They are not going to take a Biden win well. Trump may still be held up as an important figure during a Biden presidency. They certainly see him as someone who has stood up for Christians and Christianity against a culture that they see as very hostile.
I should stress this isn't representative of all US evangelicals. Most that have remained friends with me are more liberal, Biden supporters, but if I look at friends of friends I can quickly find more extreme Christians, and once you find one you can easily find a cluster.
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