@MakeThisButter asked me what I would teach in a 30-minute course on business. I didn't come up with knowledge everyone should know, but I came up with a list of skills.

Here's a list of skills everyone should develop for business success. Find more ideas @makermba

[A thread]
Learn how to develop a strong network of relationships.

You can't do anything in business without the help of others.

I would recommend everyone read Build Your Dream Network ( @BYDNetwork) by @jkhoey.
Learn how to manage your mental state.

In business, like in life, you will have many down days. Knowing how to get value from those days is crucial.

Read the book How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by @DaleCarnegie
Emphasize the importance of fitness.

There are reasons why people such as @richardbranson schedule physical activity, even during busy times.

Pick a type of exercise you enjoy.

Starting Strength ( @SS_strength ), or the resources by @DragonDoor would be a great place to start
Get a mentor that specializes in the areas you want to improve on.

This can involve being a part of a community, such as @visualizevalue run by @jackbutcher.

Finding a supportive community is the best thing you can do.
Learn how to develop systems.

If business is all about exchanging value with people for compensation, implementing systems is how you get that done. If you want to learn from the master at this follow @JamesClear, and take a look at his site: https://jamesclear.com/ 
Making decisions under uncertainty.

In business you will need to take action based on the information you have access to. Sometimes you will be missing something important.

@AnnieDuke writes all about making decisions under these circumstances.
Develop your writing skills

Much of the communication done is through writing. Being able to communicate in a clear and persuasive way is of utmost importance.

@mkobach's feed is a masterclass in how to deliver maximal value with minimal words.
Develop your speaking skills.

Much business is done in settings where you need to convey ideas to others in a public forum. Having a place to foster this skill will grant great dividends in your life.

@Toastmasters is the most well known organization that helps people do this.
Learn to have civil discussions with people different from you.

The election in the United States has shown this skill will be needed to bring a communal feeling to the lives of many people.

Develop this through networking to build a network that will expand your views on life.
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