Kamala Harris is about to be our first woman Vice President. She is a woman. Call her a woman.

Let's look at this more closely.
Female is an adjective that describes the sex of any organism. It is not a noun, nor is it unique to humans, like woman.

Further, we tend to call women "females" in conversation, but we call men, "men," not males. This erases women by defining them as an adjective.
Also, Kamala is an accomplished adult woman. She is not a girl. Please try and refer to the future Madam Vice President as a woman, and not a "female" or a "girl." She deserves to be taken at least as seriously as ever man who has held the Office.
To give credit where it is due: hearing women called "girl" or "female" didn't feel like fingernails on a chalkboard until I heard @hillarylmcbride correct people a few times.

Thanks for teaching me, dear friend.
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