The moment Democrats passed AB4 with less than 100 days until Election Day, and @GovSisolak signed the bill, the integrity of Nevada's election was at risk.
We warned what could happen as the state was not prepared to conduct a universal mail election.
As Clark County prepared to conduct the election, they chose to use a machine to verify signatures & used an irresponsibly low standard, which was lower than the manufacturer's recommended setting, to verify.
Then they mailed ballots to all Clark voters on their unclean rolls.
Anyone walking around this Las Vegas apartment complex could have come taken this ballot lying on the top of this trash bin, filled it out, and sent it back to the Clark County elections department.
A person at this apartment complex was afforded the same opportunity to cast a fraudulent vote through Clark County's vulnerable system.
Same goes for residents of this apartment complex…
But it wasn't just trash bins full of ballots at these apartment complexes.
They were also found strewn about the sidewalks!
And ballots were hanging on community mailboxes
These are just some of the instances of potential fraud that we were made aware of, and we know there are many more we do not know about.
We also have accounts from far too many voters of receiving ballots for people that no longer live in their home.
Clark County put the integrity of NV's results at risk when they lowered the signature matching standard to almost nothing while mailing voters on their unclean rolls.
Nevadans deserve to have faith in the results. Unfortunately, Clark County did nothing to ensure they could.
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