My top 25 Star Wars characters

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1. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
The rise and fall of Darth Vader is the core of the Star Wars story. The tragic journey of the chosen one to go from one of the most caring people in the galaxy to the most brutal being one could face and then back to the light is always special
2. Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
The rhythm and parallels that young solo holds to his grandfather offers that feel good redemption story but also gives us a new perspective as he did not turn to the dark out of love, but rather out of the need to be understood and accepted
3. Ahsoka Tano
One of the greatest characters in terms of true goodness. She had opportunity after opportunity to be selfish and never chose to do so. She was constantly putting her life in the line for others and has deepened the Star Wars universe astronomically
4. Rey Skywalker
Yet another example of that incredible journey of a child, doomed to a grueling and depressing life, to take a chance or two and become one of the reasons the galaxy is saved. She provides a sense of comfort and power for all of us to enjoy.
5. Darth Maul
For years he served only as scary looking villain, then along came The Clone Wars. Reviving the story of Maul is one of the greatest decisions Star Wars ever made. The depth of evil and cunning we see through his eyes is unrivaled, as well as his hunger for revenge
6. Cal Kestis
The epitome of what the Jedi should be. Not wrapped up in a code or rules, but just a naturally morally sound being, in touch with the will of the force. JFO told a story of a scared child, who learns to face his fears, harness emotions, and serve only the force
7. Captain Rex
From battle hardened warrior, to wise and supportive friend, Rex has had a tragic and difficult life. Seeing his friends gunned down, brothers forget themselves, and his general turn to the dark side. He let himself open up and offer support to the rebellion
8. Ezra Bridger
This kid is on another level. An orphan who finds out he’s force sensitive, dabbles in the dark side, and yet chooses his friends and the galaxy over his own lust for power and victory. Powerful in the force and caring to those he loves
9. Din Djarin
This badass, gunslingin, resourceful, bounty hunter quickly has become the worlds best space dad. His commitment to the Mandalorian code as well as his commitment to protecting The Child shows us the duality of this man. Not to mentions his universe is expanding
10. Jyn Erso
By far one of the most underrated characters in the galaxy. She witnessed both of her parents deaths, chose the cause over a long life, and committed to a mission she knew was suicide. She is the embodiment of hope.
11. The Child
I mean come on, the cutest thing in existence. Force sensitive, always learning, always hungry, always cute as hell. We all love him and space dad loves him too.
12. Han Solo
Everyone’s favorite smuggler. Han Solo spends his entire life pretending he doesn’t care, when we all know he does. A cowboy on the surface but a softy underneath. One of the best pilots in the galaxy and a badass with a blaster
13. Luke Skywalker
A character with a good moral compass, selfless, and the hero of the OT. Then came The Last Jedi and his character became top tier material. The story of depression and PTSD was told perfectly and he was given a redemption arc if his own. A legend.
14. Obi-Wan Kenobi
Another character with a tragic story, only he doesn’t get to receive as much of a happy ending. He lost the woman he loved, his master, and watched his apprentice fall to the dark side and yet still became selfless and watched over the new hope for the galaxy
15. Qui-Gon Jinn
Widely considered to be the most “Jedi” the Jedi order had. More concerned about the will of the force than the wishes of the council. His death condemned the galaxy to multiple wars and the rise of Darth Vader. Wise, calm, and the first to discover immortality
16. Enfys Nest
If there ends up being a Solo 2 or a series surrounding it, my only wish is for her to be a huge part of it. A mysterious character with a pure but vicious heart makes her so interesting. Underrated and stacked with potential.
17. Grand Admiral Thrawn
Such a gift from the producers of Rebels. Tactical, collected, strategic, and terrifying. His ruthless yet understanding demeanor is so confusing yet so incredibly clear. His voice only adds to his persona. I hope only that his story is not yet over.
18. Kanan Jarrus
A journey of fear, to acceptance, to teacher, to sacrifice. Another Jedi who feared his past but was shown his path was not yet complete. A story of love and tragedy that helped kickstart the rebellion into what it needed to be to defeat the empire
19. Yoda
The grand master of the Jedi order who survived the purge. The wise old master for Luke in the OT and the wise old warrior during TCW. His cameo in The Last Jedi gave Luke the confidence he needed to return and his theme by John Williams holds a special place in my heart
20. Chewbacca
Perhaps the character who has lost the most. He watched the purge, his kin be enslaved, he saw Han, Luke, and Leia die and yet has not let a single moment of it corrupt his pure Wookiee heart. He deserves the world and is an incredible friend
21. General Grevious
The separatist badass with an underdeveloped story. There is so much more to explore here but is insanity and level of ruthlessness remains among the top in Star Wars characters. His design is unique as is his backstory
22. Finn
A mindless war drone snapped back into free will by battle. We see a fun arc of wanting to run before realizing there is more to life that safety. His story is far from over (I hope) and his badassery is indisputable
23. Emperor Palpatine
The overarching villain behind everything. Separatists, The Empire, The First Order. This diabolical enemy of the galaxy plans so throughouly he cheats death and returns more vengeful than ever. Top tier performance and terrifying personality
24. Cad Bane
A badass bounty Hunter with no moral code other than what’s best for himself. He is fearless and intuitive, willing to face on Jedi with just blasters and a plan. A bounty hunter like no other
25. Cobb Vanth
Just look, okay?
My cropping was almost flawless damn🙃
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