The left need to recognise that they are as responsible for Trump (and Boris) as anyone. A thread.
In 2000, the election of George W Bush was never really accepted by the left. The world insisted to America that they’d got it wrong, they’d elected this awful man (who must be awful because he was right wing).
In 2008, you could hear the result of 8 years of being patronised as racist when John McCain called Obama a great man - the crowd booed. McCain upbraided them but it was a discordant note of caution.
Instead of reaching out, the Obama administration spent their 8 years in office going to the extreme in every policy decision. The first two years, with a Democratic house, they threw their weight around.
Whenever they didn’t get their way - from Healthcare to Judges to Stimulous to tax rises - they changed the rules so they could force through what they couldn’t get by negotiation.
As a result, after 8 years of the Democrats having the whip hand, and 16 years of them patronising anyone who they didn’t agree with, or who didn’t agree with them, Donald Trump was the reaction.
I can’t stand the person Donald Trump plays in his public appearances, and I have every reason to believe that he is similarly vile and corrupt in private.
But from the moment he was elected, the same left who had vilified and patronised Republican voters spent 4 years calling them racist morons who’d been conned by Russian intelligence.
Is it any wonder that the right reacted to that? It’s the same here - Brexit voters have become more radicalised over the last four years as they’re called racist idiots daily for daring to disagree with the left.
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