JUST IN: @speakervos is asking the Assembly Committee on Campaigns & Elections to review Wisconsin's election, citing "concerns surfacing about mail-In ballot dumps and voter fraud"
He also said "I hope the committee investigates the inefficiency of Milwaukee’s central counting of absentee ballots".

Milwaukee processed nearly 170,000 absentee ballots by 4 a.m. on Wednesday. Meanwhile, places like Atlanta are still counting.
I personally watched the poll workers drop off the final ballots from Milwaukee's ballot boxes to central count just after 8 p.m. on Tuesday. MKE closed the boxes at 7:30 so they could pick up all the ballots and have them in poll worker custody by 8.
Poll workers at central count announced every time they got a new delivery of ballots while I was there. I didn't hear a single announcement after about 8, when all the ballot box ballots were in.
Some of the rhetoric we're hearing about "ballot dumps" is just confusing voting with counting. Milwaukee "dumped" all its central count numbers all at once, when they were all finished. All along, that's what they said they were going to do.
There were six cameras livestreaming central count in Milwaukee. If anyone wants to question what happened there, it seems all they'd need is a good internet connection so they could review the hours and hours of footage.
But brace yourself: as I said on air Tuesday night, hours of paperwork (which is essentially what counting ballots is) is super boring.
There were observers from both parties at central count. There were actually more than I expected, just because of covid, I had talked to Meagan Wolfe about them possibly needing to limit the number of observers. A dozen at a time at LEAST, probably two dozen at some points.
We had no reports of election irregularities, according to WI elections chief Meagan Wolfe both Wednesday and Thursday.
"I think that it's insulting to our local election officials to say that yesterday's election was anything but an incredible success. That was the result of years of preparation and meticulously carefully following the law."
-Wolfe on Wednesday
p.s. what am I gonna do when all this ballot, central count, and election law knowledge becomes obsolete for four years
also remember that the Milwaukee elections officials asked to be able to count absentee ballots early. The legislature said no. They would've need legislative help to make that legal, since current state law only allows them to start counting when polls open on election day.
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