The federal government is attempting to execute #LisaMontgomery on Dec. 8th. Lisa faced profound adversity throughout her childhood and was never provided safety, stability, or care by the adults in her life. Learn more ⬇️ #SaveLisa #EndTrauma
Lisa experienced 9 out of 10 adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in her childhood. The only ACE she didn’t experience was having an incarcerated relative.
Not one of these ACE events was a single occurrence. The violence, neglect, and adversity Lisa experienced was systemic and pervasive.
ACEs can cause toxic stress, which has lifelong repercussions. Toxic stress alters brain development and affects attention, decision-making, learning, and stress responses. Children growing up with toxic stress often have difficulties forming healthy and stable relationships.
Damage from toxic stress can be prevented or reversed if a child has three things: safety, stability, & nurturing. No adult in Lisa’s life provided her with care or support. Instead, adults were physically, emotionally, and sexually violent to Lisa at every turn.
Lisa’s lawyers failed to present adequate evidence of her ACEs at trial. Jurors sentenced her to die without understanding why the context of her childhood mattered.
Lisa’s ACEs affect her to this day. Dr. Katie Porterfield, an expert in trauma and torture, assessing Lisa years after her trial, testified that the impact of Lisa’s childhood violence was “massive,” impacting every sphere of Lisa’s existence.
When trauma experts finally examined Mrs. Montgomery closely, they noted that her upbringing had stripped her of any autonomous sense of self.
Lisa had been raised in captivity, deprived of any control over her body and mind, and at the mercy of people who administered various forms of torture.
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