Now that we understand the crucial role that Black people and organizers played in this election, it’s time to act on the urgency they voiced for change [thread]
2020 has taken such a toll on Black America, between COVID, police violence, and the constant pressures of being Black in America, but as always, we came through for this country but it rarely seems to come through for us.
It's absolutely crucial that we fight for Medicare For All. It's absolutely crucial that we push to reimagine the role of policing in our communities.
It is no longer acceptable to relegate Black people to an underclass in this country. We are America.
When I get to Congress, I won’t forget or allow others to forget that we won Philly, Michigan, and Georgia due to the incredible work of Black organizers.
If Biden wins as expected, we will need to define what we are FOR. Black people, their dreams, concerns and potential must be centered within our policies, messaging and political identity.
We have an opportunity to deliver REAL relief for people in this moment. We should be bold in our vision of healing and love. Bold in our vision of what is possible. Bold in organizing and mobilizing people...governing with people, not over them.
Now is a time for us to listen to people and help solve their problems in a real way. That's the whole point of this? If not, what are we here for?
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