(THREAD) In news related to the cancelled game... I just got this text from one of my lifelong best friends who is a doctor at the giant IHC hospital in Murray. "Not a political statement only facts from what I'm seeing....started moving icu patients to the non icu rooms today..
"In my hospital because ICUs here are 100 percent full, we also have nearly two full floors of Covid patients not in icu but some will eventually graduate to needing icu beds. So if you come in with a heart attack, car accident etc you will likely be receiving substandard care.."
"Only beds really left are in the maternity wards at my hospital otherwise they hold patients in emergency room until they can discharge. I'm saying this because I'm begging the people who don't believe what the media is putting out to please believe me and be safe".
I, like many have grown tired of the constant Covid-19 news. At the beginning of the pandemic, I was hyper-vigilant about distancing, mask-wearing, etc. I have relaxed a lot over recent months. Probably because of that fatigue, partially because arrogance...
Today is a slap in the face to remind me that I need to keep doing my part to prevent this stupid disease from robbing us of our way of life on an even deeper level. I still think we can find the careful happy middle ground, but I am gonna listen to my doctor friend...
He is the kind of guy who doesn't lie or embellish. He is not a political person, and has nothing to gain sending that message to a group thread of old high school buddies (some of whom are on opposite ends of the political spectrum) other than to try and give us the facts.
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