Happy Friday, y’all. Here are some of the names Vermonters wrote in for governor in this week’s election:

-Eddie Van Halen
-Donald Trump
-“Wotang Clan” (sp?)
-Chuck Norris
-Dolly Parton
-Will Smith
-Ted Cruz
-Bill Lee
-Jerry Greenfield (but no Ben Cohen?!)
-“Not P Scott”

-Kiah Morris
-Ron Paul
-Kanye West
-Brian Dubie
-Ed Adrian ( @CounselorAdrian, I know this was you)
-“Stroop” (?)
-Kristi Noem
-Patrick Leahy
-Guy Page
-Bob Kiss
-Bernie Sanders
-Howard Dean
-Vermin Supreme
-Mickey Moose (sp?)
-“Winburn” (Pat?)
-Tulsi Gabbard

-Shayne Spence (c’mon, @spenceforprez)
-Clint Eastwood
-Norman Lear
-Anthony Pollina
-Vince Illuzzi
-“B. Monk”
-Dr. Timothy Cook
-Shap Smith
-Miro Weinberger
-Rebecca Holcombe
-Kesha Ram
-“Governor Douglas”
-aaaaaand H. Brooke Paige

Sorry. I can’t help myself. Here’s who Vermonters wrote in for PRESIDENT:

-Mitt Romney
-“Dwight D Eisenhauer"
-Andrew Yang
-"Dr. Fauci”
-Tom Brady
-"Cheddar Stump”
-“Pete Budajude”
-William Weld
-Ronald Reagan (is that you, Larry Hogan?)
-“Mike Bloomburg”
-“Andrew Cumo”

-Lindsay Graham
-George Bush (unclear which one)
-Marco Rubio
-“Bemjamin Carson”
-Santa Claus
-“Dismantle Two Party System” (fair point!)
-"Cornell West"
-“Hilary Clinton”
-Al Gore
-MC Graven
-“None of the Above”
-"Jenifer Lopez”
-Jonathan Fishman (wasn’t me!)

-Jeb (!) Bush
-Molly Gray
-Jesse Ventura
-“Barock Obama” (oof)
-“Kelly Ann Conway”
-James Mattis
-“Micheal Bloomberg”
-General Robert Spaulding
-“Labron James”
-Robert Kennedy
-“Evan McMillan” (McMuffin?)
-Julian Assange
-John McAfee
-Hunter Biden

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