Okay guys, I have officially relaxed for the day, so buckle up 😊 time for a long post

Today has been fucking insane. We got the keys super early on, but because of an issue further down the chain, we didn't get the go-ahead to move until about three thirty. - c
We then had a mad rush to get as much of the "big stuff" in the large van, that we only had for today, as fast as we could.

We are in now.

And I can't explain the emotions I feel. How absolutely surreal and insane this is.

It's so weird, I keep catching myself staring - c
all around me, at weird little things like the shape of the stairs, or the arch of the coving and I'm so utterly blown away. I cannot believe that this beautiful house, is mine.

It's been years of jumping around cheap digs, all full of mould or falling apart. I don't think - c
I've ever been in a place for more than a year or so... So looking around and knowing that this place, I don't have to leave, ever, makes me so insanely happy!

I'm so incredibly lucky to have come this far, I honestly never thought I would be here. Drug addiction, alcoholism -c
and the all-consuming depression that I once felt, through those dark times in my life, I never once imagined I'd be here.

And I'm so fucking thankful.

I'm thankful to my partner, for being my rock.

I'm thankful to me (this is a big thing, I have self hatred issues - c
which are a huge part of my BPD) for not giving up when all I could think of was ending it.

But mostly I'm thankful for you guys.

If it wasn't for you, I couldn't have done this. If it wasn't for you, we would have missed out on this place, we wouldn't have this absolutely -c
insanely beautiful house which I can call home forever.

Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, not just for this, but for helping me in other ways. You're amazing. You guys cheer me up when I'm down, support me when I've been fucked over, and you put up with the my - c
horrible fucking potty mouth 😂

I love you all so much.

Please, never change you beautiful leftie bastards. You're all incredibly

- A very fucking happy Wren.

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