Whenever we buy a new phone we normally seek to protect it screen from cracking. We do this by buying a screen protrctor to accomplish this task. The new phone even with the guard is protected at all cost by us. We barely put it down fearing it might fall
The new phone becomes so precious to us and we do all we can to protect it from a fall. Sometimes even with all the security measures we take it does fall and the screen protector cracks. Quickly we replace the protector if we are lucky the crack didnt reach the phone's screen
Someday somehow a great fall crashes our dreams and the screen of the phone we sought to protect at all cost is finally cracked. What do we do now? Slowly we let down the safety measures around the usage of the phone . We no longer care that much since the screen is now cracked
Gradually the screen we loved so much begins to deteriorate and the once beautiful phone is now an eyesore. By failing to protect it again after it first great fall we expose the "cracked screen" to more cracks
As I pondered about this the Lord led me to understand it better by relating it to our lives as Christians. The pain we feel when we fall into sin is painful. We seek for forgiveness all the time from God just as we change the screen protectors when there is a crack on it
Then we get ourselves into a situation that really affects us, it can be a sin or something we have done. Now we have mo joy to go into the presence of the Lord because we feel we have had a great fall just like the fall the finally cracks the screen of the phone
By failing to protect our souls again by seeking the face of the Lord (buying a new protector) even though we have had a great fall (the screen is now cracked) we expose our souls to more pain, hurts, agonies and frustrations (more screen cracks)
To us the screen we vowed to protect is now cracked so we see no more reason to protect it again. This brings more cracks and the screen is now a mess. So it is in our lives.
A sin, situation, an act or an event can really get to us to the extent that we no longer find it a joy to seek the Lord and this hurts our souls the more. Gradually we lose our identity and we become a mess
Even though the screen is cracked we should endeavour to carry out a the safety measures so as not to make the whole screen a mess.
Continually seek the face of the Lord no matter what. In good times, seek Him, in bad times seek Him
The screen wouldn't have been a mess if we sought to protect it even after it first great fall that had an effect on it.
Don't mess up your life because of an event, a situation or an act. Protect your soul; seek Him now
#Overcome2021 #ACrackedIdentity
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