1/. I cannot even begin to explain how proud I am of my fellow citizens for rejecting the woke neo-liberal blue wave.

While I distrusted the polls mightily, some part of me wondered if I was the outlier; an ancient drifting away from the country’s gross move toward the woke.
2/. Living in Minneapolis, my cognitive dissonance over the last six months or so was exaggerated.

Did the country really want to defund the police? Why is my neighborhood flooded with BLM signs while these same people burn down stores and even low-income housing?
3/. Seeing these signs every day and experiencing car-jackings in my very neighborhood, while staring at polls showing an embrace of this new status quo slowly killed me inside.

“Why are we embracing insanity?”
4/. But we didn’t embrace insanity.

The polls were wrong.

The country is level-headed and the majority wants want I want.

Thanks, fellow Americans, for giving me hope for the future despite living in looney-tunes Minneapolis.

The dissonance is gone.
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