The heroic fighter Maher al Akhras has formally ended his hunger strike after the Zionist Occupation agreed to release him by November 26th.

This is a great victory for such a heroic man and his struggle, but such a victory cannot go unignored.
103 days on Hunger Strike forced the enemy's hand on this matter. Even now, three other prisoners are on hunger strike for the same reasons as Maher. 80 Palestinians in Zionist prisons have Coronavirus. These should all be placed squarely at the feet of the Zionist Entity.
The struggle of one man is not just his struggle, it is the struggle of the entire Arab nation, the Palestinian people, and the world proletariat against US-Zionism. His struggle does not end at this victory. Palestine remains unfree and the Arab lands divided and exploited.
The Zionist entity deserves 103 responses to this unprovoked attack on all of Palestine, each for the day they have unjustly kept Maher on hunger strike. Maher has shown the world that Zionist supremacy is nothing but a farce, a show, and can be beaten by the simplest of actions.
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