lrt is a really good thread to read through and is Extremely relevant to mxtx fandom, its recent explosion and the skewed metrics (and that impact on content creators) that are now part and parcel
with a big fandom comes big numbers and the level of what counts as "success" moves so far up that it's goddamn near impossible for anybody to reach so everybody has a bad time
it's so easy to say "just create for yourself", and it often does start that way
but then you start noticing that some works get thousands of retweets or hundreds of bookmarks, and if your own works don't hit those marks--even if the feedback and numbers, compared to other fandoms, are objectively Pretty good--u feel like u have to catch up to those top posts
and u feel like u just can't. and then for even smaller creators the gap is a canyon and u feel like there's no point in trying
but u SHOULD try!! we all should still try
one reason why i've been in a rut is bc i've hit a block with my art, and i feel like i'm running out of time to get better and Produce something before rl takes me, and when i see art--fanart, original art, whatever--get 1k retweets in an hour i feel like i've failed
but that's stupid!! bc a) art is my hobby and not even for a job and b) i already have more feedback than i even deserve!! two years ago 10 retweets made me want to cry with joy and validation!! that's the energy i need back
so smaller creators, please please don't feel bad.... i promise you whatever you have to offer is good. i /promise/ you that twt algorithm is a nightmare and a half and speaks little to nothing about your skill, effort and care
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