only thing worse than how many people didn't get parasite is how many people only half-got it
the fascinating thing about parasite vs BJH's other work is it examines capitalism through the lens of how it warps both the opressor and the oppresed to be deeply inhumane in order to survive or get ahead. everyone in the film is tainted by capital.
the kims destroy the lives of fellow workers to get their own. they do it to survive but its not without cost. the housekeeper and her husband abandon their humanity for fealty to their overlords in order to survive. and the Park family is self-explanatory, they're rich
i think its why the distinction of Parasite as anti-capitalist vs the more explicitly socialist/anarchist leanings of his other work is worth unpacking, and not even as a criticism-- its concerned about the toxic, cyclical dynamic of surviving under capital. thus the title
under the thumb of capital, we are all trapped in the belly of the beast, and cruelty is not only encouraged but rewarded, presented as the only means of survival. thats not true-- solidarity is the answer-- but its an uphill battle to unlearn that, & we all fall to it at times
FWIW this guy does get it, I don't think the joke lands but it's a joke. Just have seen enough people go off in odd directions with this film that I got irritated and read it at face value.
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