I was on the Sanders campaign & later wrote briefs for the Biden team.

I know first hand that part of Biden’s strategy was bringing the left with him.

A racist, white supremacist has just been defeated.

Why is even this moment in the UK an opportunity to rip each other apart?
Once Joe Biden won, he built a joint policy committee with Bernie on climate change.

He knew to win he had to build an election coalition. Without it he does not win - period.

If your take away from this win is to piss on the left - your not paying attention.
Bernie rallied for Biden in multiple swing states.

Rashida turned our votes in Michigan.

Ilhan knocked on doors in Minnesota.

Stop knocking people down. It doesn’t make you any taller.
Last point - I promise 😅

The challenge for the left and progressives in the next few years is undoubtedly to ensure the Biden administration addresses the real challenges.

Climate, Race, Poverty, Healthcare, Policing.

They know this and have an inspiring squad ready to fight
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