3D - Physical
4D - Psychological
5D - Spiritual

Here's how to understand the difference:
Each of these "realms" matter, but the higher realms possess higher power.

The extent to which we perceive realms depends on our level of consciousness.

3D people understand force and authority. 4D understands reason and persuasion. 5D understands fate and divine will.
The pen is mightier than the sword, because you can beat a strong man if you can confuse or alienate him.

It's why psychology has become the preferred means of controlling the masses since WW2. It produces less backlash; even you can make people voluntarily submit to slavery.
The only problem with 4D is that it relies on manipulation and mind games. You can mess with egos, you can create traumas and press on them to make people give up... but when someone is grounded in love and truth, they become uncontrollable.

5D is without fear, it simply knows.
As warfare & consciousness has evolved, so has the use of these dimensions.

Kinetic (3D) warfare is always needed, yet Psyops (4D) have taken precedence in global rivalries & interventions.

But wars conflicting with the higher will (5D) inevitably fail, regardless of the above.
The point is that the Cabal does not have destiny on their side. The collective consciousness has already decided.

If you don't understand this, it's OK - just know cavemen probably thought writing was stupid too.

Fate has a current. You can fight against it only so long.
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