
Biden won because people who don’t like or identify w/him, & owe him nothing, acted strategically when backed into a corner.

Trump lost because people who identified w/him, who love him & owe him everything, & weren’t backed into a corner, couldn’t read the room.
While “anti-ídpol” class reductionists will do what they do with election postmortems, they’re not just missing out on intersectionality, but the old-school lefty street-fighting principal of solidarity.

Our struggles are bound up together, so we’ll go to the fucking mat. x/
Unions Don’t Cross Picket Lines. Not because they agree on the details any given strike. But because crossing picket lines makes you a scab. And scabs hurt everyone.

Don’t be a scab for the bosses.
Don’t scab on intersectionality.
Don’t scab on solidarity. y/
You don’t have to innately “get” intersectionality. It’s something you learn over time. You learn it by showing up for every fight, as long as you’re punching up.
With the conviction that, when you’re knocked on your back in the street, you want people beside you, punching up.
You show up when it’s not your fight. You fight ‘til you’re bloody for people you have almost nothing in common with.

Because it’s how you make allies.
Because it’s how you win fights.
Because the people punching down are never your friends.
Because it’s what you fuckin’ DO...
Intersectionality is an understanding and a mindset.

Solidarity is an action verb.

And we’ve got shit to do.
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