I am one white woman, but I am not alone here. We need to recognize that black America stepped up and saved America. And they DID save us from our own cult members. Next step is working together. We need to do this. We need to make changes that elevate every American
We need to elevate those we have held down and share in full equal rights for all. White people- LISTEN. LEARN. RECOGNIZE AND STOP YOUR OWN RACISM. Educate yourselves and do better. Black people- I hope you’ll save us a seat at the table so we can work together. This election was
a win for all Americans. But we got there because black people put in the work. Everyone needs to recognize that and thank them for the opportunity to better our actions. Now is the time for white people to step up and renounce white supremacy and embrace equality.
Equality means black, white, brown, ALL. Immigrant or native. We are ALL American and it is time we started accepting that and putting that in action. Let’s start a dialog. What changes can we make together to better life for all Americans? What changes can we make in ourselves?
How can we as a country bridge the gaps that we have been faithfully carving based on skin color? Love each other and respect each other. Learn about your fellow man. We do not have to be our ancestors.
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