1/ A lot of people are asking: why did you Pre-Launch the $NOIA Network. Why not just go to full launch right now? That would have been possible, but pre-launching was a smart idea for a few reasons.
2/ Now that we have the core software working, we needed a big deployment around the world to run optimization tests at scale.
3/ The reason we’re pre-launching is so we can get the exact data on optimizations, how big, how reliable, who gets throttled in the evening, which paths are always a shortcut, which never get used (and we don’t need capacity there), etc. Lots of valuable data to collect.
4/ With this pre-launch, we’ll have a full map of the internet through DARP so we can structure the network very accurately. We’ll drop 20% of servers, which don’t ever provide value. And know exactly where we should add more nodes to improve capacity where value is highest.
5/ Like there might be two data centers in one city, one always bad, one always better. This pre-launch will tell us that we can drop the worse one.
6/ If there’s one that’s only good sometimes, we can understand why and when that is, to optimize sharply.
7/ This pre-launch was 500+ servers and a lot of providers. This isn’t an easy feat. It’s a big effort to work with so many providers. Even to deploy it is a feat. We’ll calculate capacities. Then we can launch nodes in geo-specific areas. Efficient deployment of assets.
You can follow @JSimanavicius.
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